Fire Smart Manual and Fire Safety Checklist

Provided by the ministry of natural resources and forestry

Provided by the ministry of natural resources and forestry

Of all the factors that can affect our environment, a forest fire is often the most feared. Although a common occurrence in natural and well-managed forests, forest fires are one of the last things cottagers want to think about. One of the primary objectives of the Cottagers’ Association is to provide first response fire fighting equipment so that Cottagers present at the onset of a fire can assist with the proper tools and equipment to help mitigate the negative impact of a fire.

Going forward, the Cottagers’ Association has determined that our existing fire fighting equipment is to be checked more regularly, and that it may be beneficial to have demonstrations of the use of our two on lake pump systems yearly following the annual meeting. We hope to have more information posted shortly on our volunteers who will help with the maintenance and demonstration of the equipment to ensure we are as ready as possible in the event of a fire.

The Law

By law,  you cannot have an outdoor fire in a Restricted Fire Zone. This includes all grass and debris burning and campfires, even when using an outdoor fire gate, fire place or fire pit.

If you need heat for cooking and warmth, and you’re in a Restricted Fire Zone, you can only use certain equipment (e.g., portable gas or propane stove) if you follow certain rules.


There are exemptions to the ban on outdoor fires in a Restricted Fire Zone. If strict criteria are met, campfires and charcoal barbecues may be allowed in organized camp grounds or parks.


Restricted Fire zone / Zone de restriction des feux

Restricted Fire zone / Zone de restriction des feux

Look for and obey the Restricted Fire Zone signs; these highly visible green and orange signs are placed:

  • along roadways,

  • at popular camping sites,

  • in sport lodges, and

  • in gas stations and stores in the affected area.

Large advertisements also appear in local newspapers, and announcements are made on radio and television stations in the area. These announcements may indicate which areas are restricted by referring to the zone number. 

If you need cooking or warmth in a Restricted Fire Zone, you can only use:

  • Gas or propane stove. You can use a portable liquid fuel or gas stove that can be turned off easily by closing a vale or lid. It must be at least 1 metre away from any flammable material.

  • Charcoal. You can use a charcoal installation in a restricted zone, only is you are at a location where you own or legally occupy (i.e., rent a cabin) the building if your installation is within 100 metres of the building and at least 1 metre from an flammable material. You must also take care to completely extinguish the fire and safely dispose of all ashes and coals before the installation is moved or left unattended.

  • Wood burning stove or furnace. You can use an outdoor wood burning stove or furnace, only if you own or legally occupy a building in a restricted zone. Your installation must be within 100 metres of the building, at least 5 metres from an forest area, and at least 2 metres from an flammable material. The installation must also be situated on bare rock, mineral or soil that won't burn and extends 2 metres around the stove or furnace in all directions.

In a Restricted Fire Zone — except in organized campgrounds and parks — you cannot:

  • have campfires (even in outdoor fire grate, fire place or fire pit)

  • burn grass or woody debris

  • use burn barrels

If you don’t own or legally occupy (e.g., rent a cabin) a building in a restricted fire zone, you also cannot use a:

  • charcoal installation (e.g., barbeque)

  • wood burning stove

  • wood burning furnace



You should exercise extreme caution when travelling in a Restricted Fire Zone. You should:

  • watch your propane or gas equipment carefully

  • smoke only when you’re stationary, never while walking or working in the bush

  • make sure all matches or cigarettes are out before disposing of them

  • be careful with anything that could start a fire


Once a Restricted Fire Zone is declared, it is illegal to set a fire for any purpose within the affected area.

Failure to comply could results in:

  • a fine up to $1,000

  • 3 months in jail

  • financial responsibility for any costs incurred in fighting a forest fire


Report a fire in a Restricted Fire Zone (except in a campground or park) to your local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry District Office.


To learn more about fire restriction zones and law, please read the Forest Fires Prevention Act, which you can find here. You can also access relevant information on fire prevention laws and tips through the links provided below.