Hydro Rates

Hydro Rate Change


Just a reminder. The new hydro rates come into effect January 1, 2023. Although the decision is long and complicated. This is a summery from the FOCA. In which HLSMR is a member.

“In summary: The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approves Hydro One’s proposed 10-year phase in of this change beginning January 1, 2023. This approach is intended to limit the total bill increase for affected seasonal customers, including those with low average monthly consumption, to 10% (maximum) per year.

In its decision the OEB clarified once again that, though separate from this rate decision, eligibility for rebates through the Rural and Remote Electricity Rate Protection (RRRP) and Distribution Rate Protection (DRP) continues to apply only to Hydro One’s rural year-round residential customers (i.e., Low Density – R2 class). A year-round residential customer requires eight months of continuous occupation of a dwelling over the year.”

HLSMR reminds everyone that if they believe they qualify for year-round residential status that should submit a completed declaration form and supporting material to Hydro One.

PDF of OEB decision: here